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MYMFans Marie aude / Marie-aude

Unlike others who like to keep the media, I don’t, I look at it, admire it, and delete it and move on. Imagine your phone being searched by the police to find a video of a woman half naked on your device, they then ask, who it is, and why do you have it.

Yeah real embarrassing moment, in front of your mom. She doesn’t know you watch naked ladies.

That is why I don’t keep other people’s pictures / videos. We don’t own them.
La police n'en a rien a faire, c'est du commerce, tu es un client comme tout le monde ! Je pense surtout que tu n'as rien ! Et si tu n'as rien ne pollue pas le file avec des sottises ! Merci bro ! 👌
La police n'en a rien a faire, c'est du commerce, tu es un client comme tout le monde ! Je pense surtout que tu n'as rien ! Et si tu n'as rien ne pollue pas le file avec des sottises ! Merci bro ! 👌
Oh believe what you want, but you’re just jealous cause she sent me something I could pay for , while the rest of you beg on here for nudes for free…. Yeah.
Why not get a life and get out more. Get your self a GF instead of whacking off to women who will never date you
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